Barren: Wasteland Memories |
Barren: Wasteland Memories was created by six talented individuals, while attending Digipen Institute of Technology. The primary roles of everyone is as follows: Producer: Adam Henderson Technical Director: Luke Lenhart Lead Tester: Ryan Dudley Lead Designer: Chris Glass Product Manager: Keith Yates Art Director: Lou Smith Everyone on the team participated in programming and designing various parts of the game. The primary responsibility of each person is as follows: Adam Henderson: Map Editor and Population Editor. Boss Monster AI. Luke Lenhart: DirectX Graphics and Sound Wrappers. Action View Mode. Normal Monster AI. Ryan Dudley: Town View Mode. DirectX Control Wrappers. Manage Bug Report. Chris Glass: World View Mode. Title and Game Over. Keith Yates: Tileset Loader. Item System. Lou Smith: Primary Artwork. |
(C)2003-2004 Digipen Institute of Technology |